Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Lego - Starting Point

What sticks out to me with Lego lately is that it is so themed. You buy a box of Lego tailored to build/make the specific thing on the box and that's all it can really be used for. And it's expensive!

It is great that you can get this, I mean I would love to own the campervan one to build but its £80. And it's something that you only really build the once.

The way that I remember Lego from when I was younger was that you'd have a box full of the stuff and you would build what ever you wanted to out of it, like houses and dodgy box cars and what not. I took a trip into a toy store that sells lego at home and the shelves were full of the themed boxes but you couldn't actually buy just lego bricks. You could in other brands though - which is interesting as they don't want the others to be bought over lego.

What was so great about Lego when you're younger is that you can do what ever you want with it. I think in a way from my point of view them seemed to have been sidetracked from this a bit.

The only way that I can really sum up the point that I am trying to make is that I think to attract the new younger generation into Lego, then maybe they need to go back to being a box of simple mixed bricks of all shapes and sizes and colours to use to do what ever you want to use them for.

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