Thursday, 24 January 2013

Douwe Egberts - Brief

Me and Baljeet have always discussed how it would be interesting for us to collaborate together on a project because we have similar sort of skills and ideas for things, and when we saw the Douwe Egberts competition one from YCN, we figured that this would be a great one to have a go at.

We still need to sit down and have the initial meeting about the brief to get the ball rolling, but I've checked with her and we are definitely still doing it. We're going to have the initial meeting for this on Monday.

I made some notes for the brief that I am going to write up for it from the actual competition brief on the YCN website. I will get this sorted, and then when we have a direction and have made some decisions then I'll update/alter it to be more suited to what we're doing if need be.

Brief Labels
The way that I will label my blog posts in response to this brief will be as follows:
  • BRIEF 2 - Design practice related posts in response to this brief.
  • BRIEF 2 DC - Design context related posts in response to this brief.
As well as this, all posts will also be labelled with the mandatory OUGD303 and Design Practice or Design Context labels. All blog post titles will begin with Douwe Egberts or DE.

Brief 2
Using the notes that I made, I typed up my Douwe Egberts brief.

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