Monday, 7 January 2013

The beginning of the end...

Final Major Project. FMP. OMG.

Doesn't seem two minutes since we were first starting the course, and now we have 5 months to go! Wow.

Following the briefing that we had before we finished for Christmas, I've been thinking a lot about what sort of designer I want to be, and what I would like to dedicate this next 5 months to doing. I've aways known that I want to work with type and layout, focusing on print and publications, but what I would exactly like to focus down onto has been pretty blurry. But since really getting stuck into my dissertation, which is about advertising, and how it functions, I have sort of narrowed down to wanting my design direction to focus on delivering information...

Sound vague? Yes. I need to really figure this out. I like finding out information and finding a way to deliver it through design. Need to work out a better way to explain this though.

Been thinking about the briefs too, got nothing set in stone as such but have a few ideas, which are:

1. Lego - YCN competition brief
I love lego, and can see this brief being quite fun to do. After considering doing it for the design practice module, but passing it off because I knew I wouldn't have enough time to really get stuck into it, I've decided to have a go for it for this module instead. Got a few initial ideas floating around so will be something to get stuck into straight off I reckon.

2. Douwe Egberts - YCN competition brief / collaboration
Me and Baljeet decided during the last module to collaborate together on a brief, and when this one came up in the YCN competition briefs, we decided on this one and that we would do it as part of our FMPs. We need to discuss this.

3. Year Book Pitch - live brief / collaboration
Myself, Baljeet, Beth and Lisa have teamed together to work on a pitch for the graphic design yearbook. This will be worked on straight away as the deadline is pretty much straight after christmas. For now we're all individually thinking about this and will pull together our ideas and go from there.

4. End of Year Show Pitch - live / competition brief
After attempting at this during my time on ND at the college, I have always fancied since giving it a go. I will wait for the briefing of this to come through before making any sort of start with this - don't want to jump the gun and spend time on something that could ultimately be not what I need.

5. Batman - personal brief
I have a bit of an obsession with Batman at the moment, and would love to do a brief for my FMP based on this. What exactly though is a different question. I have had a couple of ideas but nothing set just yet, will have a think about this for now and see if it could possibly develop into something substantial enough to undertake.

6. Fashion Brief - competition brief
Before we finished for christmas, we were briefed to do a pitch for the end of year fashion show that the fashion course will be doing. Need to check what the deadline is for this, might be too late to have a go at now.

7. Books Still? - ISTD competition brief
With me wanting to focus on type and layout for my FMP, it makes sense for me to do an ISTD brief. When they first came out I had a quick glance and nothing really caught my eye, but after having a closer look I quite like the idea of the 'Books Still?' brief, where you basically choose what information to convey using typography in an editorial way. This could also be a really useful research brief.

8. Geek Table Collective - collaboration
Our table/group over our time of the course are pretty tight in terms of how we are with each other when it comes to design, and before Christmas we got the idea to possibly pull together everyone and their work because there is such a diverse range of skills between us, and use this to form a collective as another way for us to network and get out there. This could include holding events and possible pop up shops.

9. Prospectus Pitch - live/competition brief
I fancy having a go at pitching for the prospectus. This would probably have to go down the route of a collaboration so will have to put the word out there. I fancy more the design pitch though than the concept one, so I will see about this when it comes to it.

10. Branding - ??
Another area of design I am very interested in is branding, so I want to look into taking on some possible branding briefs that could fit under one brief? Maybe keep my eye out for people on other courses wanting their branding doing for their FMP's, or look further afield at possible live briefs.

11. Design Context
We have been told briefly about a design context brief that we will also be required to do as part of our FMP, so this will be one of my briefs too.

And that's about it for now. Need to get cracking with some of the pitches which are pretty soon. Not sure if there's enough here? Hmm.

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