Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Brief 3 - Print Design Experiments

Now that the bounding line around the edge of the designs has been decided, I can now start to make some more changed to the print out. The one we've decided to go with it this...

So the first thing to do really is add the little details around the edge on the outside of them. We decided that this would be the course name and college name.

Only thing I am not entirely sure of with this really is how the college name down the sides of the design doesn't actually fall behind the line, they're where the gaps are. Hmm. Decided to print it to see how it would look, seen as it falls on to the fold too.

First one was too small so increased the point size a bit. Decided then to have some more experiments with the cover and possibilities for how to have it.

Think I prefer the white background covers. The bounding line works best when it is green as well and then having light grey lines for the sections on the cover is a nice contrast. These are pretty set (for now), so copied them on to a new document that I think I will work on from now on for the print out.

Brief 3 - PDF Layout Template

I need to keep the PDF file updates alongside the print out as it is done to ensure the consistency between them both. Decided to start a new InDesign file and re do what I have but in a more precise way that's properly spaced out and what not.

Set up the grid with 8 columns, that way I can half each side of the spread to mimic the 4 sections from the fold for the print out. Then I can make sure that the information down the right side then is within the same sort of section.

I'm pretty happy with this. Everything's aligned to the pixel and what not. We also discussed when reviewing what I had previously done that the second spread for each individual would just be repeated but without the information section in the middle, so that will now look like this...

I think once we get some images on and that then it will then start to give us a better idea of whether it is or isn't working. With this now set, I started thinking about the trips pages, and the fact they said that they will send us some images to use, so I decided to have a quick experiment with how this could be.

Not entirely sure on these actually. Just got the image from google so wouldn't necessarily be like this. Hmm.

Brief 3 - Black/Grey?

I had used black text on the printed mock up that I took to the guys and it was pointed out that we would use grey, so I changed this over. Think it works well.

Brief 3 - Cover Experiments

While I was waiting for the replies shown on the previous post regarding the bounding line around the print, I started experimenting with the front cover. The bounding line on these experiments isn't the one we ended up choosing though - minor detail, but ya know.

With these experiments I basically just did the different suggestions that I got from the guys about this and played around with them a bit - trying different colour schemes, reversed out, etc.

Some stuff did and some didn't work. Not sure what I think to the reversed out cover with the green background - definitely an option though. I'm pretty pleased with the last one though. No doubt things will go on to be changed though.