- bring in social element to having coffee at home
- like a dinner party but with coffee
- how do you bring that coffee shop atmosphere at home?
why do people drink coffee?
why drinking at home is better?
- comfortable cheaper
- convenient
- don't have to get dressed/ready
- warmer - don't have to go outside
- relaxing
- 24/7
looked on website at what's available
- focus on instant coffees
different scenarios/reasons to drink a particular type?
10 types
- 3 under flavoured (vanilla, etc)
- decaf
- inspirations
- pure
- brazillian samba
- kenyan sunset
- eastern escape
- caramel
- hazelnut
- vanilla
- decaf
- gold
- indulgence
- smooth
concentrate on the 'pure' range of coffees - Baljeet buying decaf and indulgence and I'm buying gold and smooth to taste
- do this this weekend
- write down flavours and that from tasting
there's a coffee for every situation/every person
situations/what makes someone want a coffee?
- when wake up
- stressed
- tired
- tired and want to stay awake
- can't sleep
- cold weather
- sad
- socialising with friends
- meeting in-laws
- celebrating
- catching up with an old friend
- long day
- seeing family
- bribing
- waiting
- workmen are round
- hungover
- with particular food
- sitting in traffic
- delayed train
- transport
image heavy with type?
type will allow more imaginations for the reader
- make it more personal to them
- imagine how they would have it
until next meeting on 27th Feb
- taste coffees
- think of more situations
- find out more about coffees
- look at examples similar to what we are doing
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