Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Brief 4 - Typeface?

The main decision to make for this before moving forward with it is to decide which actual typeface I want to use to be the 'doodle' area. It needs to be a bold one in order for there to be plenty of doodle area to be able to actually use.

I've decided to use a sans serif typeface for this. I went through the collection that I have and looked at all of the ones above. Some would ideally work better than others, so I have narrowed them down to a selection of ones that I could possibly use.

I've just had a thought that instead of doing just one typeface, I could maybe do a selection of doodle books each individually based on one typeface, so I could maybe do say like a range of 5? Would make it easier to choose then because just choosing one would be hard to do. Above, in order, there is (all set to 100pt size):
  • Gotham Ultra
  • Gotham Black
  • Bebas
  • Futura Condensed ExtraBold
  • Univers Extra Black
  • Helvetica Neue Heavy
  • Ariel Black
  • Gill Sans Ultra Bold
I will use 5 typefaces, as it is a pretty rounded number, and that also means I only have to get rid of three of the ones above. Despite them all being bold/heavy/what ever they are called, there is still a variety of weights to them as a whole, so I could maybe choose 5 ones that are different from each other. Also, I want to only use a typeface once, so I need to choose which of the two Gotham weights I want to use. 

  • The first I will take away is Bebas, because I haven't decided yet if I want both upper and lowercase letters or just one of them, and this typeface is only available in uppercase.
  • I will get rid of the Gotham Black and stick with the Ultra weight to this typeface
  • Helvetica and Ariel are almost identical, so doesn't make sense to keep both of these so going to get rid of Ariel and keep Helvetica Neue.

The ones that I have left and are going to go forward with are...

I think I have a good selection here, none of them are really identical to each other, and looking closer and the different letterforms, for example each of the 'O's are different to each other, which could ultimately give me a variety of different sort of doodles coming in for them which is what I would be hoping for. So, the new list is as follows:
  • Helvetica Neue Heavy
  • Futura Condensed ExtraBold
  • Gotham Ultra
  • Univers Extra Bold
  • Gill Sans Ultra Bold

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