Monday, 25 March 2013

Brief 3 - Bounding Lines Experiment

So basically starting again (not actually though), I set up the artboard to the actual size of the print out now to add the sections to. Before this though I've decided that I may as well experiment with the bounding line around the edge as this was one of the main alterations to make. We said that we didn't just want a solid line around the whole edge but just having sections of the line within the printed sections. As explained on the previous blog post I sketched some ideas to start me off.

I put the original line going all the way round on first then went from there - decided to do the experiments in black though as the green doesn't stand out enough on screen shots and I want to get feedback on this.

As well as looking at the thing as a whole, I think I need to keep checking how they would work on the sections as well especially when folded, like this.

Here goes. Tried out quite a few experiments with this.

I think I have sufficient amount of experiments on this. I decided to add the content that I have already without any changes yet to see how the lines work in relation to the content, and then these will also be what I show to the guys to get feedback on and help make a decision on which to go with. How I did it in terms of the feedback is I put a quick post up and numbered each screen shot 1 - 12, and then posted on the FB ground explaining what I did and to comment with which numbered screen shots they prefer/like. Here's the screen shots with the numbers...













...and here's the post on FB and feedback I got from this.

Everyone liked number 10, so going to go with this one.

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