Monday, 25 March 2013

Brief 3 - Information Section Initial Designs

Moving on to the far left section which will contain the information for the course, etc. This is the two end panels, so the same as I have done before I have decided to work on this on its own rather than next to everything to avoid being distracted. Although, what I did with this I made the 210 x 420 section, and then measured the outside line where it would go, and then got the section then from inside this to work on. 

Having two columns makes sense, so allowing the same size boarders around the section, I made the text boxes for each column. For the information section underneath the thumbnails, I have used 8pt text, so I will use the same for this section too. I want to allow a decent amount of leading as I reckon combining this with a shade of black would give a nice easy on the eye approach to this section due to it being very information heavy. I've decided to use a 12pt leading.

Using the not very organised version of the content that we have to be working with at the minute I started playing around with this. What actual information they want to be included on this section has to be confirmed so it's something to ask in the next meeting.

Due to me not having the proper file with the information in it, and just typing out some stuff from last years, I have decided to wait with this bit until I have more of the information as it will give me a better idea of what I am working with and how to go about using it.

So, with me leaving it, I just kept a section of the information for this section to give the idea of how it would work. Then I put each individual section I have been working on together to get an idea of how it is working as a whole.

I reckon this is the point to take it back to the rest of the group to get their input on it in order to go forward. Throughout all of the initial blog posts that I have done to get to this section I was actually printing them out as I went along to make sure that it isn't just working on screen but in print as well. So, using the latest printed sections I got for each I have the full thing that I can piece together to show the guys at Uni, as well as the development print outs to show incase they think any of them work better and what not.

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