Considering that the width of the letterforms area needs to be 76mm, but this is just for the W and then the rest are well within the area, then to guarantee white space around this I can have this at 80mm minimum.
I've had the thought to have just a single letterform on a page and have the book itself portrait with the binding across the top. Hmm. So I have the width decided on at 80mm, so going to try out having different lengths for the book. I'll try:
- 80mm x 80mm
- 80mm x 100mm
- 80mm x 120mm
- 80mm x 140mm
I'll print and trim these out as this will give me the best idea of how it could work.
Out of the four, taking into consideration the binding of the book and the pages folding back, I think the two larger sizes would be more suited. Decided to print out a small number of both of the larger sizes to trip out and clip together to get a better idea of how it could work as a book.
The longer one feels a bit too long, although it might fit two letterforms? Hmm. I think I need to actually have some letterforms printed on some of the pages as I think this will give me a better idea.
Put them at 10mm from the bottom of the page.
Hmm. There wouldn't be enough room without it looking squashed to have two letterforms on the longer version. Decided to try out actually doodling on the areas of the letterforms for a short white to get an idea of the feel of possibly using them and see which of the two feels most comfortable to use.
There wasn't really much difference. They were both comfortable to hold while drawing. Decided to see how they would look/feel/work just being held in general.
The shorted one feels more 'pocket size' than the longer one. This could maybe make it better/easier to have as something to just have in your pocket or bag to pull out and doodle in where ever you are and when ever. I think having the book longer is just having extra wasted space really that isn't really necessary so going to decide on the shorter version.
I think I should probably experiment with a few more possible size and layout ideas though before making and final decisions to make sure that I properly consider it.
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