Monday, 4 March 2013

Geek Table - Brief 2 - Zone

Due to the changes regarding the exhibition that we are planning, the crit for brief 1 has been altered to being a week early and I didn't find out about this until an hour before so unfortunately I missed the actual crit happening, but did manage to catch the end of it where we discussed the theme for brief 2. It has been decided that the briefs will now be 1 week briefs rather than 2 week ones in order to get enough outcomes in time for the exhibition which is now proposed to be held in april rather than may.

This weeks theme is for us to look into what it is that gets us 'in the zone' when designing, and what sort of stuff gets us inspired. There has been a restriction set on this weeks brief, where we can only use the colour orange. This can include any shades of orange and not just one specific shade. This is to be done by next Monday 4th March.

I've decided to title this brie Zone, and typed it up using the one from last week and editing it as needed.

The blog posts will be labelled with the overarching brief label Brief 8, as well as the mini brief label which will be Brief 8 Zone. Any design context posts I do for this will use the main blog DC label Brief 8 DC.

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